One Dry January in 2018
DeAnn Knighton DeAnn Knighton

One Dry January in 2018

Sobriety, in my case, came right after a self-imposed “Sober January” and the most recent of countless failed attempts to “moderate my drinking."

As is often true with the most insidious, we do not realize the power something has on us until we try to control it.

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Mad Men + Work + Belonging
DeAnn Knighton DeAnn Knighton

Mad Men + Work + Belonging

I watched Mad Men (2007-2015) at the height of my drinking career. I remember placing a lot of glorification around what I saw in this depiction of the 60’s advertising scene. It did wonders to placate any concerns I had about my own drinking. Based on what I saw on that show, the drinking we were doing was nothing!

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Some Humans Don’t Drink
DeAnn Knighton DeAnn Knighton

Some Humans Don’t Drink

Some humans don’t drink alcohol. Does it really matter why? Learn more about what it takes to become a corporate normalizer.

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